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10 September 2011

Adobe Premiere Pro CS4

Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 | 1.72 Gb

Tell your story with maximum impact using Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 software, the start-to-finish solution for video production that includes Adobe OnLocation CS4 and Encore CS4 software. Save time with a tapeless workflow, project intelligence with new XMP metadata support, dozens of editing enhancements, and tight integration with other Adobe software. Reach a wide audience by delivering your content to virtually any screen.
Capture, edit, and deliver video online, on air, on disc, or on device
Efficient tools for creative editing
Create high-quality visual and editorial effects directly within the editing timeline. Edit faster with powerful editing tools that give you precise control and real-time feedback. Add color correction and other effects, audio filters, and more.

Comprehensive video format compatibility
Work with virtually any video format thanks to native editing support for DV, HDV, Sony XDCAM, XDCAM EX, Panasonic P2, and AVCHD. Add uncompressed SD and HD acquisition with hardware cards from third-party vendors.

DVD, Blu-ray Disc, and interactive SWF output with included Adobe Encore CS4
Author once and deliver to three formats: Create DVDs, high-definition Blu-ray discs with pop-up menus, and interactive web versions of your content with Adobe Encore CS4 software, included with Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.

Dynamic workflow with other Adobe tools
Achieve a high level of productivity from production to delivery with the tightly integrated toolset in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. Eliminate intermediate rendering when moving sequences into Encore CS4, and take advantage of new support for Adobe Photoshop files with video and blend modes.

Direct-to-disk recording and on-set monitoring with included Adobe OnLocation CS4
Record directly to disk and maximize camera image quality using software-based waveform and vectorscope tools to quickly calibrate your camera, check levels, and monitor your signal. Organize shots using metadata logged during the shoot.

End-to-end metadata workflow
Easily add metadata to clips both on set with Adobe OnLocation and while editing using Adobe Premiere Pro, for greater project intelligence. Use speech recognition technology to create text-based metadata that helps you organize and find your assets more efficiently during editing. Finally, pass the metadata through export for publishing to the web, enabling searchable video and helping to unlock new revenue streams.

Speech Search
Turn spoken dialogue into text-based, timecode-accurate, searchable metadata. Jump to a specific area of a shot by searching for keywords within the dialogue, and then use keywords to quickly locate and display what you're looking for--or even cut video based on the script.

Delivery to the web and mobile devices
Deliver video in a variety of formats for viewing on air and on DVD, online and offline with Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Media Player software, and on mobile devices with Adobe Flash Lite software.

Accelerated client review and approval with Adobe Clip Notes
Expedite review cycles and avoid miscommunication by using Adobe Clip Notes. Embed video into a PDF file. Then e-mail the file to clients to add timecode-specific comments that map to the Adobe Premiere Pro timeline.

Resource Central
Access product-related news and tutorials online by using the Resource Central panel in Adobe Premiere Pro and Encore.

Top features of Adobe Premiere Pro CS4:
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 features enhancements, such as support for the latest tapeless cameras, advanced metadata management, batch encoding, and tighter-than-ever integration, that save you time. In addition, industry-leading Blu-ray Disc authoring and the ability to output to any screen help you reach the widest audience. Listed here are the most significant new features found in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.
Next-generation tapeless camera support
Capturing video directly to disk opens the door to exciting new workflows that save time and maintain the highest quality throughout the entire production process. Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 is designed to exploit the full power inherent in tapeless workflows. Direct-to-disk recording eliminates the time-consuming capture-from-tape, media-ingest phase of post-production.

Adobe Premiere Pro offers comprehensive video-format support, from DV to HD and beyond. Full support for a variety of tapeless cameras and media lets you work with them natively to achieve the fastest workflow from capture to edit, retaining the pristine quality of your source material by eliminating time-consuming transcoding or rewrapping.
You can import and natively edit content from Panasonic P2 cameras in DVCPRO, DVCPROHD, and AVC-Intra formats, and across multiple P2 cards. Similarly, you can import and edit content from Sony XDCAM EX and XDCAM HD cameras directly, without rewrapping or transcoding. Access the footage you want before you import it by viewing camera metadata and organizing files in the Media Browser. You can also edit directly from the P2 card via the camera or a card reader, the SxS card by way of the camera or a card reader (XDCAM EX only), or use the Media Browser to transfer content to hard disk for better performance.
Batch encoding
With the explosion of video on the Internet, there's been a massive shift in how people consume video entertainment. Whether you post dailies on a password-protected website for review and approval, produce episodic shows for viewing online or on iPods, or distribute films by way of an enterprise-level video-on-demand service, being able to efficiently deliver your content in a variety of formats is crucial.

Adobe Media Encoder, a separate software application included with Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, saves you time by automating the process of creating multiple encoded versions of your source files and Adobe Premiere Pro sequences. Set up multiple items for encoding, manage priorities, and control advanced settings for each item individually.
Adobe Media Encoder also encodes compositions from Adobe After Effects software when it's installed as a component of Adobe Creative Suite 4 Production Premium. Use any combination of sequences and clips as sources, and encode to a wide variety of video formats, including FLV and F4V, Windows Media, MPEG-2, H.264, QuickTime, and more.
Optimized encoding for mobile devices
Keeping track of video-enabled cell phone and mobile device capabilities is no small task. Device Central puts the latest mobile device profiles at your fingertips through a dynamically updated online device library.

Device Central lets you test and preview what your work will look like on an extensive selection of devices under a variety of simulated real-life conditions. This lets you can make intelligent design decisions without having to go through a time-consuming trial and error process, and deliver engaging experiences to billions of mobile subscribers.
Improved Adobe integration
Sharing media between pre- and post-production software tools used to require you to render your work in one application before importing it into another, which was an inefficient and time-consuming process. If you needed to make changes, you had to make them in the original application and re-render the asset. Innovative Adobe Dynamic Link, previously available only in Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium, streamlines this process.

Dynamic Link eliminates the need for intermediate rendering by creating a direct link between new or existing assets in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 and Encore CS4. Changes made in Adobe Premiere Pro such as color corrections and so on are immediately reflected in Encore.
With new Adobe Premiere Pro integration in Adobe OnLocation, you can send entire shotlists directly to Adobe Premiere Pro along with all the metadata-based project intelligencethat was logged during the shoot.
Other integration enhancements in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 include:
  • Flexible Photoshop layer options. Control exactly how Photoshop files look when imported into Adobe Premiere Pro. Preview all layers, choose which layers to import, and then choose how to import them--as individual layers, merged, or as a sequence.
  • Support for Photoshop files with video. Avoid the extra rendering step from Adobe Photoshop when importing PSD files that contain video. Simply import the files and use them just like any other video clip in the Timeline.
  • Support for Photoshop blending modes. Match your favorite looks from Photoshop by applying Photoshop blending modes to clips on the Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline. Blending modes are available for all clips, and are fully keyframeable. When importing Photoshop PSD files, blending modes are automatically carried over into Adobe Premiere Pro.
  • Dynamic Link to Encore. Save time by sending sequences directly from Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 to Adobe Encore CS4, where they open immediately without rendering. From within Encore, open Adobe Premiere Pro sequences, and then use the Edit Original command to make a quick change to the sequence. Any changes you make in Adobe Premiere Pro are automatically reflected in Encore. Encore also reads chapter markers from the sequence, making it easy to set DVD chapter markers in the Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline.
  • Copy and paste text between Adobe applications. Achieve the same look for text in multiple deliverable formats. Exchange text by copying and pasting it between other Adobe Creative Suite 4 software and the Adobe Premiere Pro titler. The text retains all supported formatting, including font, spacing, and styles.
For the utmost Adobe Creative Suite integration - including expanded Dynamic Link functionality - turn to Adobe Creative Suite 4 Production Premium, which combines After Effects CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended, Adobe Illustrator CS4, and Adobe Flash CS4 Professional software.
Enhanced editing efficiency
Work faster with powerful and flexible editing enhancements. Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 includes over 50 of the most requested editing enhancements that streamline your workflow. Display search results quickly. Apply effects to multiple selections, get timecode information faster, speed up work in the Timeline with new keyboard shortcuts, and much more.

Powerful management of projects, sequences, and clips
Find content quickly and efficiently by typing what you're looking for into the Search box in the Effects, Project, or Metadata panel, and see results update instantly as you type. Manage projects more efficiently by saving file-location preferences on a per-project basis, making it easier to set up partitions for particular projects. Update assets in your project quickly as newer versions become available by replacing files in the Project panel; when replacing assets, all clip instances of that media update automatically. Combine content from multiple projects easily with the ability to import sequences from other projects. Choose any combination of sequences to import; Adobe Premiere Pro includes all nested sequences, helping to ensure that all content is imported successfully.

Pick up projects where you left them, without having to adjust the user interface--the workspace configuration is saved with each project, making it easy to work efficiently. You can now select any combination of sequences for trimming, to avoid trimming redundant content in the Project Manager.
Only the portions of the offline clips used in a sequence are included in the trimmed project, so when you subsequently recapture the offline clips, only the portions used are recaptured. Mix content even more freely in your project with different editing and rendering settings for each sequence in your project; manage your assets easily by collecting all sequences into a single project; and output multiple versions from HD masters quickly using nested sequences with different settings.
Create workspace configurations using Project-panel column configurations optimized for the task at hand. For example, set up different columns for logging and for editing.
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 lets you delete individual preview files, making it easy to reclaim disk space. Keep the preview files you need, and discard the ones you don't.
Superior editing control
Use Track Sync Lock controls to select which tracks remain in sync after ripple and insert edits. Display source content of clips, route channels to specific destination tracks in the Timeline, and toggle video or audio channels on or off as needed with source-content controls. Place clips exactly where you want them when dragging to the Timeline.

Innovative ways to target audio and video tracks provide multiple methods to control clip placement, saving you time and preserving the placement of other clips in the Timeline. Drag and drop video- or audio-only portions of clips onto any combination of compatible destination tracks.
Timesaving editing enhancements
When you paste multiple clips into the Timeline, the playhead jumps to the end of the pasted clip so that subsequent clips are placed directly after, saving you time. Create new subclips quickly and easily by simply dragging content directly from the Timeline to the Project panel. Place keyframes precisely within the Effect Controls panel.

As you move them, keyframes snap to sequence markers, the playhead, clip edges, or other video or audio keyframes. This makes it simple to align new keyframes with existing ones. Use vertical snapping to keep clips in sync when moving them between tracks. Easily apply the same transition to multiple items in your project by copying and pasting the transition. Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 applies all transition information, while maintaining destination attributes such as transition duration.
Use smart zoom features in the Timeline to switch quickly between detailed and global views of your content. Simply press a key to zoom the Timeline to show the entire contents of your sequence, and then press another to return to the previous zoom level.
Quickly clear all effects from one or multiple selected clips using a single command.
More options with multiple selections
Create commonly used combinations of effects and save them in a single preset for easy reuse. The ability to apply effects to multiple clips in a single action helps you work more efficiently.

Make speed/duration adjustments to multiple clips simultaneously, saving significant time when working with large numbers of clips. You can work more productively when using transitions by applying the default transition to multiple selected clips with a single command. Apply audio-gain settings to multiple selected clips in a single action, without having to repeat for each item.
Precise audio control
Finding specific sonic events in your audio tracks--for example, the start of a sentence, a car door slamming, or the downbeat in your soundtrack--is often a simple matter of looking for peaks and valleys in their waveforms. New features in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 let you view audio waveforms in more detail in the Source Monitor. Zoom both channels independently or together. Navigate with precision within the Source Monitor when working with audio-only clips.

Use the playhead to scrub the waveform directly. Change batch capture behavior easily by setting and adjusting audio-channel mapping for offline clips at any time, when or after they are created. You can also recapture offline clips as audio-only or video-only by changing recapture settings for offline clips, without having to recapture them first.
Robust timecode display
Precise editing and communication with clients are facilitated by timecode. Whether you're working with news footage gathered in the field, telecined film footage, or clips shot on a camcorder that supports timecode only by way of an accessory pack, Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 offers you a variety of ways to display timecode.

The source-media timecode display format acts as the default in both the Project panel and Source Monitor. If there is no timecode or frame rate associated with the media--say if it's a still graphic or was shot on a camera that doesn't record timecode--Adobe Premiere Pro will use the format specified in the Project Settings dialog box. You can display SMPTE-style timecode or frame-count timecode that you can set to start at frame 0 or 1.
Place items in the Timeline with timecode accuracy by dragging and dropping them. See up-to-date timecode information in the Info panel as you drag clips. Choose the appropriate timecode display mode separately for each sequence in your project. Use any supported timecode format as the timecode display mode in the Timeline, Info panel, and Timecode controls. View source-media information for clips in the Timeline using the Info panel.
Enhanced keyboard-driven workflow
Point-and-click, mouse-based operation is a simple and easy way to learn new software. But experienced users want to navigate and control their tools as quickly and efficiently as possible. Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 offers complete, mouseless operation via customizable keyboard shortcuts, to help you focus on being creative.

Use keyboard shortcuts to browse through clips loaded in the Source Monitor tab and to save time when moving to the start and end of clips in the Effect Controls panel. Jump to the start and end of clips in the Timeline using dedicated shortcuts that make clip navigation easy. You can assign shortcuts to mark clips more quickly and to cycle forward and backward through all the panels in the Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 user interface.
Direct-to-disk recording with cross-platform, redesigned Adobe OnLocation CS4
Adobe OnLocation CS4 gives you an impressive array of production tools to help you shoot better and faster while saving time and money. You can produce superior-quality results from your video camera. Quickly calibrate the camera, monitor your footage, and check video levels by using your workstation or laptop as a virtual (and lightweight) video reference monitor.

See what you can't see on a camera's small LCD viewfinder or flip-out screen, and use the comprehensive software waveform monitor and vectorscope as well as the audio spectrum analyzer to identify and correct image and audio problems before committing to videotape and hard disk.
Shooting and capturing video directly to disk lets you record a two-hour event as a single clip, or shoot as many takes of a scene as your actors need to get it right--no changing tapes, no solid-state memory time limits, no missed action. It's a director's dream come true, but in the edit suite, finding that one perfect take among dozens can be problematic. Metadatabased project intelligence and the new Shot List panel let you take control of this situation.
Each time you re-record a scene to disk, a new take is automatically created that inherits the project intelligence from the master shot. You can search by keywords in the intelligence, or create a metadata-based text transcription of dialogue and use the text display in the Metadata panel to click on words and jump to the spot in the clip you're interested in. Additionally, you can flag your selects as you capture them, making it a snap to find them in post-production.
Adobe OnLocation CS4 is available on Windows and Intel-based Mac systems. (Previously, Adobe OnLocation was only for Windows, and thus required Boot Camp to run on a Mac.) Cross-platform operation allows both Mac and Windows users to take full advantage of the power of Adobe OnLocation on laptops or workstations.
The completely redesigned interface puts control of all functions on a single screen and features the familiar look and feel of other Adobe creative applications. Shot lists and metadata-based project intelligence save time and take the tedium out of logging on-set and in post-production.
Project intelligence with new XMP metadata support
Metadata is the unsung hero of an efficient workflow, and the key to the perennial challenge of making video searchable. You have great footage, but do you know where it was shot, who the talent is, and if you have the rights to use it? And more important, can you--and your viewers--find the video content that's most relevant? Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, Adobe OnLocation CS4, and Encore CS4 deliver innovative, industry-leading solutions that solve both problems.

Careful planning keeps your productions on schedule and on budget. During preproduction, block your scenes, plan camera moves, and create a shot list to plot your shooting sequence and fill in metadata associated with each shot. Bring your careful planning on-set by creating a shot list in Adobe OnLocation. While you're recording footage directly to disk, Adobe OnLocation automatically captures important metadata-based project intelligence associated with each shot coming from the camera. Create new takes each time you re-record, with each take inheriting metadata from the master shot. You can even edit or add to the metadata while you're at the shoot.
During post-production, you can use metadata to streamline project tracking, asset auditing, and many other formerly tedious manual tasks in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 and Encore CS4, as well as in Adobe Soundbooth CS4, After Effects CS4, and Adobe Flash CS4 Professional software. Best of all, as other workgroup members modify files and assets, metadata-based project intelligence associated with each media asset can be edited and updated in real time during the normal course of production.
Save even more time by eliminating the need to hunt from folder to folder to track down assets. Metadata makes your assets searchable within the Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 Timeline, so you can locate assets and clips by filename, date, time, camera setting such as resolution or frame rate, shot location, or any other search term you've added to your asset or clip.
Speech Search makes dialogue in your video assets searchable
Whether you start your production with a script or assemble your narrative in the editing suite, you can use powerful new Speech Search technology in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 to turn spoken dialogue into text-based metadata that makes your video searchable. This new capability solves one of the biggest challenges in taking video online by automatically turning any spoken word into a keyword that points precisely to the places in a clip where the word is spoken.

This unleashes considerable power, for both post-production professionals and all of us who watch video online. During the editing process, creative professionals can use Speech Search to quickly find the relevant points in a particular clip, or easily locate the right clip based on what gets said in it. Equally important, the time-accurate text that corresponds to spoken words is embedded in the output you render from Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, so your video is searchable by other tools that can read XMP metadata, such as search and indexing engines.
In Adobe Premiere Pro, Speech Search can significantly speed the time-consuming process of wading through large quantities of footage to find the relevant clips. For example, you can quickly find all of the clips in a project that contain a particular word, or the opening lines of a scene from the script you're shooting, by searching from the Project panel.
Once you've narrowed your search, you can search within a particular clip for a word or phrase by using the Source Monitor, or you can skim the preliminary transcript that appears in the Metadata panel. Both approaches are significantly faster than manually scrubbing through a clip to find, for example, the spot in a long interview where the subject talks about a transformative trip to Zambia. Additionally, you can tab from word to word in the Metadata panel to make edits while ensuring that text remains synchronized to the spoken word.
Industry-leading Blu-ray Disc output
Adobe Encore CS4 software is a versatile, interactive authoring tool for video distribution that allows you to deliver your high-definition work complete with advanced functions such as pop-up menus, subtitles, and more to clients or consumers on standard-definition DVDs and high-definition Blu-ray Discs. Save time during the authoring workflow by sending sequences directly from Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 to Adobe Encore CS4, where they open immediately without intermediate rendering, using Adobe Dynamic Link.

From within Encore, open Adobe Premiere Pro sequences and then use the Edit Original command to make a change to the sequence. Any changes you make in Adobe Premiere Pro are automatically reflected in Encore. Plus, Encore reads chapter markers in the sequence.
Further streamline your authoring workflow by using the enhanced flowchart to define and view your project's points and links. New independent variable-zoom functionality and the ability to see the asset's name help streamline your disc- and SWF-file authoring workflow. See exactly what your project is going to look like with the new FireWire Video-out feature, and have ultimate control over your motion menu loop points.
Web versions of your DVD and Blu-ray Disc projects made easy with Adobe Encore CS4
Create compelling stories and use Adobe Encore CS4 software to deliver them on standard-definition DVD or high-definition Blu-ray Disc, and with a single click create SWF-file versions of those DVD and Blu-ray Disc projects for the web, without opening another application. Added flexibility and HTML templates in Encore CS4 let you create content compatible with Adobe Flash Player, complete with DVD interactivity, menus, and URL links.

Export different video sizes for SWF-file streaming or progressive download, customize player skins, and reduce encoding time by using optimized encode settings in Adobe Media Encoder. Leverage Adobe Flash Media Server to build new revenue sources based on a secure-streaming, protected-download, or subscription-based delivery model--or all three--using metadata to track rights and permissions.
System requirements:
  • 2GHz or faster processor for DV; 3.4GHz for HDV; dual 2.8GHz for HD*
  • Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 (Service Pack 3 recommended) or Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (certified for 32-bit Windows XP and 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista)
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 10GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on flash-based storage devices)
  • 1,280x900 display with OpenGL 2.0®compatible graphics card
  • Dedicated 7200 RPM hard drive for DV and HDV editing; striped disk array storage (RAID 0) for HD; SCSI disk subsystem preferred
  • For SD/HD workflows, an Adobe-certified card for capture and export to tape
  • OHCI-compatible IEEE 1394 port for DV and HDV capture, export to tape, and transmit to DV device
  • DVD-ROM drive (DVD+-R burner required for DVD creation)
  • Blu-ray burner required for Blu-ray disc creation
  • Microsoft Windows Driver Model® or ASIO-compatible sound card
  • QuickTime 7.4.5 software required to use QuickTime features

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Item Reviewed: Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Putri Kecil