This is older game by ILLUSION named Battle Raper 2.
This torrent was created by request
This torrent was created by request
Game includes:
Battle Raper 2
SexyRaper (can be selected/unselected when installing)
Complete savegame
SexyRaper (can be selected/unselected when installing)
Complete savegame
Also included original directX that was included with the original game.
1. Install directX if needed
2. Install Battle Raper 2
2. Install Battle Raper 2
The game will be ready to play after install but it will be not fully in english. The launcher and a part of the storyline is in english but mainly it is still in japanese … this is thanks to the lack of mods.
There isn’t actually much mods out there for this because modders quickly lost interest modding this game due lack of content. It is true, the Battle Raper has interesting idea but there isn’t much interesting content. The idea behind this game is great: make a game that involves weapons, fighting, a storie line, sexy girls and hot adult action but this game still needs development. It is still good time killer tho
This is one of the games ILLUSION should continue to develop IMO
There isn’t actually much mods out there for this because modders quickly lost interest modding this game due lack of content. It is true, the Battle Raper has interesting idea but there isn’t much interesting content. The idea behind this game is great: make a game that involves weapons, fighting, a storie line, sexy girls and hot adult action but this game still needs development. It is still good time killer tho
This is one of the games ILLUSION should continue to develop IMO
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